Role: Creative Director, Experience and Visual Designer, Producer for Polydance project presented at 3D WebFest 2017.
Responsibilities: come up with a concept and activation for a show that celebrates 3D on web; tailor the experience process; create visual design; plan animation; design and make physical cubes for audience to interact with; partner with a developer to make it happen.
Medium featured our Polydance performance.
Polydance project was featured by CODAME ART+TECH.
Polydance is an interactive art project that was presented at 3D WebFest 2017 at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Together with Joseph O Pea (software developer and a creator of Lume library) we created an art project to celebrate Lume software library that converts JavaScript concepts into simple HTML solutions.
Polydance graphic was rendered real time and was displayed on a big screen on the stage. The audience had a lot of fun by participating in the real time animation rendering by throwing around foam cubes that carried accelerometers. The installed accelerometers passed signals in a form of random numbers to the laptop. We piped the data to custom-made Lume graphics running on the laptop. The received numbers caused the Polydance graphic to change in various ways. Audio was also linked to the graphic animation.
3D programming made by Joe O Pea.
Polydance at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco.

Lume x CODAME, 2018